How to Unlock Your Natural Healing Abilities, Activate Your Intuition and Become Your Own Healer

Become a Soul Family Member, and unlock access my Authentic Energy program and all our Our Best-Selling 30-Day Programs for as low as $1 a day.

Start Date: Immediately! So you'll get immediate access to the training when you sign up now.

Activate Your "Inner Healer" Today with Authentic Energy and Soul Family

Monthly Membership

Pay monthly, cancel anytime. If you choose this membership you are enrolling for the Authentic Family class that begins immediately. You’ll also get “pre-training” before then to get you ready.




Yearly Membership (Save 58%)

Pay yearly. If you choose this annual membership, you get Mandy 365 as an extra bonus ($999 value). It begins immediately, and you’ll get a video recording from Mandy daily for one whole year. 


$92.58 / month

Billed Annually (Save 58%)

BONUS: You'll Also Get a FREE 7-Part Training on the Most Common Spiritual Gifts and How They Work

Included is & FREE 7-day trial of my “Energy Mastery inner Circle” monthly support and mentoring group. This Support group is the most convent and accelerating abundance, mastering your energy, activating your situation, understanding spiritual gifts, and finding purpose, Growth and transformation don’t have to be lonely. It can be fun, exciting, and an experience you look fond every single day. And you can be LOVED and supported the whole way through. You don’t have to do it ALONE.

‘Thats why l created the “Energy Mastery Inner Circle” membership program. So you can gel answers and mastery every aspect a the most power component in your world right now = energy.

If you love the first 7 days just stay subscribed and every moth you’ll receive exclusive training, monthly group Q8A sessions, spontaneous guest subject matter experts, access to our private support group, and you’ll automatically be billed in $39/month.

If you dent love Energy Mastery Inner Circle and wish to cancel, simply reach out us at
[email protected] and we’ll take care of you. Once we cancel, you wont be billed again. Obvious a calculation doesn’t refund previous months charges and if you cancel, you won” have access to any pier months

Its just like canceling Netflix 🙂

It’s that simple.

Try Out My Program For the Next 7 Days…

Become a Soul Family Member and get Authentic Living’s entire learning platform at your fingertips. Get access to all our best-selling 30-Day programs so you can permanently rewire your mind, emotions, and energy for endless abundance. 

Your Life Changing Transformation Begins with Authentic Living Soul Family

This Special Offer Is ONLY Available During This Webinar

Monthly Membership

Pay monthly, cancel anytime. If you choose this membership you are enrolling for the Authentic Family class that begins immediately. You’ll also get “pre-training” before then to get you ready.




Yearly Membership (Save 58%)

Pay yearly. If you choose this annual membership, you get Mandy 365 as an extra bonus ($999 value). It begins immediately, and you’ll get a video recording from Mandy daily for one whole year. 


$92.58 / month

Billed Annually (Save 58%)

“This Is the PLACE Where The IMPOSSIBLE Becomes INEVITABLE… 
You’re About to Open a Door to Where Your Life Becomes
Magical, Filled with More Miracles, Abundance, and Blessings Daily”

The goal of the Authentic Living Soul Family is to quickly take you from surviving, settling for what’s available, and just “getting by” to THRIVING in all areas of life. Imagine a life where your past no longer haunts you, or affects you. Instead, YOU are completely free from it… leaving a space for you to create what you truly desire. It gets even better. After you get to a space of thriving, we’ll then take it to the next level where all you’re doing is ATTRACTING. That means you’ll step into the chapter in your life to where miracles and blessing just come to you, day after day.

It’s the moment from where you graduate from Law of Attraction, and you start embodying Law of Vibration… that’s when life becomes fun and easy. EVERYTHING, and I mean everything you need and more… just provided to you… before you can even ask. 

Sounds like a dream? Well it’s the everyday reality for a lot of people who we’ve helped… 


“If There Was Ever a Gym, Spa, and University For Your Mind,
Body, and Energy, Where You Can Learn, Grow, and Get Cradled
With Love and Support as You Do It, Then This Is It…”

Imagine… EVERYTHING you could ever need to thrive and be truly happy in life, all in one place. This is the ultimate way to support your spirit at the deepest levels. After all, you probably are the type who supports everyone else, and at the end of the day, who supports you? Who understands you? Is there a place you go where you can feel safe, supported, deeply understood, and LOVED while you fill your cup up, and grow in all the areas of life that matter to you? Welcome to YOUR Authentic Living Soul Family…

Get Access to All Our Best-Selling 30-Day Programs So You Can Permanently Rewire Your Mind, Emotions, and
Energy For Endless Abundance… Quickly! 

Our 30-day programs are known to change lives, quickly. Each program is delivered in daily, powerful, bite-size pieces, and designed to produce quick and lasting transformation deep within you. You’ll never be the same after each program, and your friends, colleagues, and loved ones will notice! Whether you want to learn how to protect your energy, rewire your mind for positivity, attract more financial abundance in your life, manifest what you want in days, bounce back from a a tough situation, or embody optimum wellness, we’ve got you covered. 

What You’ll Get As Part of the Soul Family…

Access to all our 30-day programs

This is like Netflix for your soul. When you are a part of the soul family you have access to ALL our 30-day transformational programs that will help you rewire your mind, heart, and energy for abundance and success.

Group Energy Healings

Every month you’ll receive a group clearing, unblocking, or activation session with Oliver or one of his advanced master healers that will help release all the energy blocks holding you back from the life you want.

Group Intuitive Card Readings

Every month you’ll receive a group clearing, unblocking, or activation session that will help release all the energy blocks holding you back from the life you want.

Group Coaching Sessions

You’ll get group coaching sessions monthly that will dive deep into powerful topics that are relevant and help you breakthrough and move forward with ease

Private Online Community and Support Group

This is one of the most powerful ways to stay motivate and grow. You’ll be part of an online, loving, and supportive community who will be there for you, motivate you, understand you, and help you become the best version of yourself

20-Minute 1-on-1 Coaching

You’ll get 1-on-1 support every single month with one of my highly trained life coaches to help you remove any mental and emotional blocks and help you implement what you learn

Surprise Bonus Sessions

We’ve got a lot of exciting and amazing bonuses lined up – and these surprises alone will be worth the price of admission 🙂

Weekly Affirmations

You’ll get weekly affirmations that are proven and tested to work

Powerful Meditations

You’ll get potent and powerful Meditations that will help raise your vibration, remove any blocks, or bring about deep peace and calm.

Downloadable Checklists & PDFs

You’ll get downloadable resources that will help you retain everything you learn in the membership

And more...

Here’s What Your Journey To Unlimited Abundance Could Look Like…

After Authentic Creation, continue your transformation with Authentic Living’s other soul-serving programs:


Manifest anything you desire quickly and effectively with:


Raise your consciousness and improve your wellbeing with:


Take your manifestation game to the next level with:

You’re Protected With Our Peace-Of-Mind Guarantee
Look this a powerful life-changing program…
So I only want people in there who will go “ALL IN” and really take this as serious as I am… 
My goal is RESULTS for you, period.
So if you change your mind anytime during the first 15 days of this program let us know and we will simply issue you a refund.
I only want happy and satisfied souls as part of the soul family… and the energy of the group to be at a all-time high during the event … 
Rest assured, I’ve got your back… If it’s not a fit after you go through the first hour, let us know … I understand and we’ll part as friends 🙂

Monthly Membership

Pay monthly, cancel anytime. If you choose this membership you are enrolling for the Authentic Family class that begins immediately. You’ll also get “pre-training” before then to get you ready.




Yearly Membership (Save 58%)

Pay yearly. If you choose this annual membership, you get Mandy 365 as an extra bonus ($999 value). It begins immediately, and you’ll get a video recording from Mandy daily for one whole year. 


$92.58 / month

Billed Annually (Save 58%)

“Still on the Fence? I got you… Watch the video below as I answer the most frequently asked questions about Soul Family…”

Questions? Please send an email to: [email protected]

And in case no one has told you today,
I love you…


What Others Are Saying After Going Through My Energy Healing Workshops...

"I was able to tap into a force that powers me today"

I went to the Feb. Sedona Geo Love Healing event with no idea of what I was walking into! I was a complete novice when it came to energy healing or understanding our unique abilities. I left that event with a deep understanding of my personal capabilities and the knowledge and tools to use these new tools to help myself and others.

I was able to tap into a force that powers me today, changing my life profoundly.


- Tiffanie D.

"Not only did I learn my gifts, I found my heart
and let it shine!"

I attended the Geo Love Healing event in Sedona and wasn’t sure what I would get out of it. This was a new concept for me. 
Wow!! I was amazed!! 
Oliver teaches with such love and caring. His goal is for us to learn what our gifts to this world are and then how to share them. It was truly magical for me. 
Not only did I learn my gifts, I found my heart and let it shine! My life has been transformed by this event. I have learned new tools that I have also taught others to help them in their daily lives. My life and those that surround me are so much better today. Thank you! 

- Jackie J

"There is no greater gift than to be enlightened
through a method that heals you"

“The Geo Love Healing was an experience and education unlike any other. The knowledge imparted by Oliver is precious in the way that it not only helps you overcome energetic barriers in your life but supports you in helping other do the same. 
There is no greater gift than to be enlightened through a method that heals you and those around you. Thank you so much Oliver for sharing this priceless energetic skill.”

- Trish T.

"It changed my life profoundly"

“The geo-energy healing workshop gave me insight into a bigger meaning of my life’s purpose.
Oliver gave me a very powerful manual by which I could discover my own gifts and explore them. To be in a group-constellation accelerated my understanding of the great variation in how this tool can be of use for the highest good of all. It changed my life profoundly.”

- Emma

"I left feeling a sense of clarity and peace about my
purpose on this planet"

“My experience at the Geo love healing workshop was incredible and almost beyond words. This workshop helped me realize and embrace my full potential in this human experience. Not only are we pure love but our ability to manifest the life we want is undeniably ours.

Oliver was able to teach us how to tap into our most authentic self by clearing a lifetime of stuck energy that had been holding us back. We were taught how to lovingly help others release unwanted energy through a process of intuition, visualization, and love.

We learned how to tap into our highest self to heal for the highest good of all. This workshop was truly life changing for me. I left feeling a sense of clarity and peace about my purpose on this planet. I am eternally grateful for my experience and my ability heal others with the gifts I learned.

Thank you Oliver!”

Sending ❤️❤️❤️


- Kristi Gorrondona

"You come away empowered, with a deeper connection
to your intuition"

Once the weekend got started any nervousness or doubt immediately melted away and I was swept away into an amazing experience!

Oliver creates the most incredible space to learn in. He takes you into different practices with no preconceived notions, then spend the time following the experience having the group share individually and explaining what they did each time. The group meditation we did BLEW ME AWAY, each meditation was different for me and I came away with tangible experiences that left me in awe and wonder.

What I enjoyed most about this event was learning that everyone has gifts and everyone’s gifts and abilities manifest in different ways. You come away empowered, with a deeper connection to your intuition and a bigger awareness of the impact you can have on the world.

I loved the experience and look forward to attending another Geo event – there is something truly magical created in the space coming together to learn, experience, and grow. And Oliver is an incredible teacher to learn from. I HIGHLY recommend attending a Geo Love & Healing event – you will be amazed at what you discover within yourself!

- Meleah G.

"I've gained so much more confidence in my own unique
abilities as a healer"

…And for those not so new to Energy work, I am an Energy Healer in my own practice and I was interested to explore other modalities. I really enjoyed learning and using the sacred geometry aspects with Geo. I’ve also managed to learn and integrate some ‘fine – tuning’ into my own practice since. I’ve gained so much more confidence in my own unique abilities as a healer since this workshop. 
It’s a MUST do.🙏💜💜
Thank you Oliver  I don’t think I will ever be the same again! (In a good way!! ) haha🤩😍💖

- Mary Catherine Mcnena

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